Tips to take quality photos from Phone camera.

Rohan Ahmad

How to take quality photos from a phone’s camera? In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed a big change in the compact camera industry, a never-ending desire to take aesthetic photos, and the transformation of smartphones into our primary cameras. Alongside this, camera quality has become the key factor in these phones.

Back when smartphones first hit the scene, cameras were kind of an afterthought. But now, even our beloved budget-friendly phones come into the market with powerful, feature-rich cameras. Today, I can only find a standalone camera for a wedding event. While normally the whole crowd relied on compact phone cameras.

Tips to take quality photos from your camera.

Although we all have a camera, right in our pockets, still not everyone knows how to take excellent pictures from it. We all know how to click a photo, just press the open the camera of your phone and press the button. However, if you want more aesthetic and eye-catching photos to post on your social media account, here are some stunning tips to take quality photos on your phone’s camera (all of them are practical and I personally use them while taking aesthetic pictures).

Tips to take quality photos from your phone camera

1. Learn about your camera features:

Begin by exploring your phone’s camera capabilities. Take a moment to understand its features. Examine the auto mode and observe how it handles focusing and exposure to light. Just tap on the screen where you want more clarity and focus. It’s a good practice to confirm this.

Certain cameras provide the option to adjust manual settings such as white balance and shutter speed. Learning to use these settings can elevate your photography skills, enabling you to capture even more impressive photos.

2. The camera lens should be clean:

As your phone goes in and out of your pocket, its camera lenses can get dirty and smudged. This can cause problems like unwanted glare and focus issues in your photos. Just clean the camera glass before taking a picture to boost your phone’s photo quality quickly. You don’t need anything fancy for this – simply wipe the lenses with a clean cloth. It’s that easy!

Just give your lenses a quick wipe to clear off any smudges. It’s funny to say, but yeah I normally use my T-shirt to wipe any perk from the lens and honestly, it works more than good. But try to be gentle or you will break the lens.

3. Natural light takes your picture to another level:

Light plays a vital role in every photo. When you can utilize the natural light around you, there’s no need to rely on your phone’s built-in flash.

Certainly, artificial light also works for me at night, but just because I have no other option. Otherwise, there is no alternative to sunlight for getting stunning photos. I never rely on flashlights as it is not enough to match my photography standards. So, asking a friend to bombard an artificial light takes my night photography to the peak level.

To capture great photos, make sure the light shines on your subject. When snapping shots indoors, your subject should face the light directly. Avoid having the light come from behind them, as this can make them appear too dark and shadowy. And remember to keep your hands steady. Not only does this lower the risk of getting a blurry picture, but smartphones also adjust for low light by keeping the camera shutter open longer. If your subject or phone moves, it might blur motion, especially on Samsung devices. So, keep a steady hand for those clear shots!

subject facing opposite the sunlight

4. Adjust the focus and exposure to get quality photos:

Smartphone cameras have made their space in a very short period of time. All this is possible due to the control they provide over the focus and exposure of your shot. If manual focus is available, it’s usually activated with a tap on the screen, at the point where you want the camera to focus. Try to focus on the face of the person, so the face and nearby areas will become clear and bright.

5. Try HDR mode for more appealing photos:

HDR mode, known as High Dynamic Range, is an appreciating to get quality photos. Currently, every latest smartphone is featuring this mode. I love the way it captures the details of the background, like the ground becomes neither too dark nor too light, resulting in a well-balanced exposure. Your landscape photography becomes really aesthetic by using this stunning feature.

Sometimes it’s tricky to get the lighting just right. Like when you’re snapping a picture of someone in a shady spot outside with a bright background, or in a dimly lit room against a bright wall. If you adjust the exposure for the background, the person in the photo might end up too dark. Therefore using HDR mode gets rid of these photography problems, and offers you a balanced exposure.

Avoid using digital zoom:

Using digital zoom usually leads to lower-quality photos because it decreases the image’s sharpness. It’s a fundamental photography tip to steer clear of digital zoom if you want better pictures. However, for taking Zoom-in pictures, it is better to go for optical zoom as it doesn’t affect the quality of pictures. Regretfully some old phones are limited to digital zoom, in such cases it’s better to avoid zoom-in and simply get near to the subject to get a close picture.

Try Portrait Mode to blur the background:

When you use the portrait mode on your phone, it gives your photos a cool effect. It blurs the background, making your main subject really pop! Here, you have the option to tweak the exposure to suit your shot or play around with the lighting settings in portrait mode. Experiment with various lighting situations and distances to achieve the photo effect you want.

image captured from portrait mode

Don’t rely on a single picture, take multiple snaps:

Your phone is likely by your side most of the time. This means you have the perfect opportunity to capture fantastic photos wherever and whenever inspiration strikes. Instead of settling for just a single picture of something that catches your eye, go ahead and snap 10, 20, or even 30 shots.

Most phones have a burst mode just for this. On both iOS and regular Android, you start it by holding down the photo button. If you want, you can tweak how burst mode functions in the camera settings.

Get a phone with stunning camera quality:

Consider investing in a phone with top-notch camera features. Pay attention to both the resolution and how well it performs in low-light conditions. Smartphone brands are always introducing new camera tech, like telephoto and ultrawide lenses, to enhance your photography experience. If you’re after particular features, it’s a good idea to do some research before making a purchase.

Some best camera phones you should try to get quality photos;

  • Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

Try some editing tools to get better photos:

You can easily edit your photos using built-in editing tools on your camera phone or by using more advanced apps like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop. With these apps, you can quickly crop and enhance your photos.

Some editing apps you should try;





What’s the key tip to taking quality photos?

If you’re keen to snap pro-quality pics with your phone, the ultimate tip is simple: practice! No need to stress about film or prints, so click away, review, and jot down ways to capture even better. Happy clicking!
